Ah, I remember the day you were born. I was there you know. I remember it like it was yesterday and not ______ years ago. Did you know you could have been born in Grandma's convertible? And that after you finally made up your mind that it was time for your appearance, you were pretty fast getting here. Typical of you ah? Grandma had come from Michigan to be with me and help me when you were born. You started and stopped many many times in the two weeks leading to your birth. I guess you just could not pay attention even then. But on the morning of June 7th, I knew it was time. I told Grandma that we were going to the hospital. I said it calmly. Grandma was sometimes known to get flustered when pressured. She said something like-- "That's nice" and just kept cleaning out a closet in my apartment where her cloths were. I waited patiently, but contractions were already 5 minutes apart. Finally I said, "Mother, we need to get into the car now." She replied. "Really, I thought you were in false labor again" So, we finally got in Grandma's 1961 Impala convertible and drove from Granite City to Alton to the hospital. I was amazed and relieved that Mother had driven so calmly on the way to the hospital. She started up the winding hill to Alton Memorial Hospital, drove sedately around the curve to the Emergency entrance, then floored the accelerator instead of putting on the break and almost crashed into the back of an ambulance. If she had I probably would have had you there and then. As it was you came 2 hours and 45 minutes after I told Grandma it was time to get in the car. In a hurry even then. When I first laid eyes on you, you had a huge red and blue bump on the left side of your head. I got hysterical-- "Who dropped my baby?" I screamed at your father. He hurried off to find out. The doctor came right away to explain that no one had dropped my baby. You had just been in so much of a hurry to be born you had not waited until there was room in the birth canal and had bumped your head on my pelvic bone. Yes that was you my boy, my 9 lb baby boy who was in such a hurry to be born. At least you were not the twins or 12 pound monster the doctor predicted in the delivery room, or the fried egg in an incubator I dreamed you were a few weeks before your birth. Just my active Joey who has been a joy, a trial, and a blessing for over a third of a century. I am so proud of you the adult Joe. You are a fine man, husband, father and son, but I remember. Would you believe you were less then 6 months old in the picture above?
Happy Birthday from your MaMa