Barack Obama scares me. No, not because he is half black. I know, you think I should have said ‘African American’, however, does that really apply? His father was an immigrant from Africa, not an American with African heritage. In fact I think the phrase should be American African, not African American. I think the emphasis should be on the American origin, not the African roots.

However I digress, Barack Obama scares me. Where he really comes from is what has me concerned. He was given an Islamic name, Barack Hussain, and spent time in an Islamic school, but he is Christian as most should be aware. In fact, until now, the man was known as Barry, not Barack to his friends. I wondered why he would be Barack on the campaign trail, that is until I said his nickname out loud with his last name. Say it out loud—Barry Obama. Sounds just like Bury Obama, doesn’t it. Probably not a good connotation for someone running for office. Both sides could use his name as a rallying cry. Democrats—Barry Obama! BarryObama! The Republicans—Bury Obama! Bury Obama!

Yes he is Christian, but what kind? I know from listening to him carefully, that he is a liar! He denied knowing what Rev Wright was up to for 20 years, and he denied a close association with William Aires and denied knowing his background. Barack lived in the same neighborhood, served on the same board, and even launched his bid for office with a party at Mr. Aires home. Rev Wright married Barry and Michelle and baptized their children and Barack wrote a glowing forward to a book by Rev Wright. I am sure he must have known and at least condoned the Reverend’s attitudes, and if Barack really did not know what Rev Wright was really like, he should have and if he did not know William Aires was an unrepentant radical who set bombs to make his point, he should have. I do not know what scares me more, his lying about these matters, or the possibility he really was oblivious about the true natures of these two men.

But you say, just because these two men and others around Barack Obama espoused radical and dangerous ideas, that does not mean Barack has the same attitudes and ideas. Of course not, but it is human nature to associate with more like minded folks than those with ideas too far different from our own. So, what does he believe and what has he done? It is quite apparent Barack is the most left winged liberal person to ever run for the Presidency. He seems to want to Socialize the heck out of this country, has the attitude that the wealthy are not entitled to their wealth, that wealth needs to be spread around, not by those who own it, but by the Federal Government.

As far as what he has done—not much. He was a Community Organizer—not much. But he was a lawyer for Acorn. The suit that Acorn brought was about loans to the poor and underprivileged—those who did not qualify for standard loans from banks and other financial institutions. The result of winning this suit in the long run was that the Federal Government forced banks to loan money for homes to folks who really could not afford them—what we all know now as sub-prime loans. And what happened to that great social idea? Why it brought down Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, as well as many other financial institutions and businesses. I know deregulation of the banking industry contributed to this mess, but the main fault was the sub-prime loans forced on the banking community by Barack Obama and his like minded friends and associates in government.

Barack Obama scares me. There are three reasons I can find that brought about his election as our next President.

1. He is said to be charismatic, people tend to hang on to every word he says. I hate to bring it up, but they said the same thing about Hitler, you know. For all my life, whenever I have seen films of Hitler giving speeches, I wished that I understood German, because without knowing what he was saying, Hitler does not seem charismatic to me. Barack is a fairly good orator, but I just do not see the charisma. Bill Clinton had it, still has it, in spades. Bill Clinton was just a joy to listen too. He gave some of the most moving speeches I ever heard, and the fact that he was a cute as a button did not hurt. Oh, I did not agree with most of what he said, and Clinton was morally repugnant, but he was charismatic with a great big C.

2. Rightly or Wrongly, most of the people of our nation were sick and tired of the Bush presidency. I think to be so against Bush is kind of like killing the messenger when you do not like the message—he did not set out to have a terror attack on our country just 6+ months after he took office. I think he has done his best, the best most anyone could do in fact, with what he had to work with, which included a democratically controlled legislative branch. Most may have voted for the Devil himself, as long as he was not a Republican or a friend of George Bush.

3. Barack Obama tricked McCain into taking the matching funds from the Federal Government, by agreeing he would too, then not going through with it. The result was that Barack was not restricted on how much money he could raise for his campaign like McCain. He and his party outspent McCain and his party over 2 to 1. It is amazing, and a tribute to his ability and character, that McCain did as well as he did.

Barack was not elected because he was the best man for the job. He has little experience that would recommend him for the job. He has never run a business; he has never governed a school board, town, city, or state, he has never been a soldier or an officer. He has only served in the US Senate for a little over 2 years, and most of that time, he was campaigning for the Presidency. In fact I think Barack Obama wanted to be President just because he thought he could, not because he thought he really wanted to make a difference, like John McCain would have.

In any case, Barack Obama scares me. I believe the next 4 years will be very bad for the middle class and especially for retirees like myself and my husband. If the socialist radical ideas espoused by Barack Obama during the campaign are actually put into law, we will, by the end of his 4 years, be in a profound financial depression, with high unemployment and high inflation, be subject to an overly expensive poorly run national health care system, and there will still be no new off shore drilling or new nuclear power plants. But there will be socialism as the dominant political structure here in the good old US of A.

I hope I am mistaken, but I don’t think so.