Some time ago, I became "Verified by PayPal" and was offered a Logo that would show this status on my auctions. All I had to do was copy some computer language (HTML) onto the end of the HTML for each auction. I did, and a nice sun shaped seal appeared with PayPal Verified written in the center at the end of the description of my auction items. It looked nice and I like PayPal, so might as well advertise PayPal and my Verified status.
Well the aforementioned e-mail from eBay ( which owns PayPal, in case you did not know) accused me of violating their logo rule. Even threatening me with possible banishment from eBay for my transgression. It seems that logos on auctions cannot be over 110 pixels by 90 pixels, and the PayPal logo was larger. Sure enough when I checked, the PayPal logo was 100 pixels by 100 pixels.
I find it really strange, don't you, that PayPal would offer a logo for display on eBay that exceeded the maximum allowed space on eBay. (Of course it could be a diabolical test to see if e-bay members know the rules. ---Not likely) Furthermore, as the logo was actually a square containing this seal, when I shrank it down to 90 pixels by 90 pixels, the words were not legible.
Doesn't the right hand know what the left hand is doing? This scolding e-mail did further inform me that eBay had checked with PayPal and sure enough they agreed that the PayPal logo appearing on my auction was too large. LOL
So, I did the only prudent thing. I took the seal off all my auctions and informed my accuser that I just would no longer display a PayPal logo on my auctions. I did suggest that they inform the geeks at PayPal to redesign their logo to conform with eBay rules and be legible when it does. Do you think that will happen?
Do you like my logo?
Very cute logo.
All I have to say is that the geek who wrote you the whiny email is a dork.
Yes I am sure he is, but that is probably his job. I plan to replace the Turbo Lister Logo that appears on my auctions with this one as soon as I can get arround to it.
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