Tom and I were tourists for a week while Lisa completed course requirements for a master’s in military history on the Norwich campus. We cruised on Lake Champlain, climbed mountains in our truck, and visited the world’s largest gray granite quarry, but did not see a moose until the last day. Hope you like our Christmas Moose.
But let’s not get to far ahead, this year began with Vicky and I planning a wedding. While Vicky was home for Christmas, we ordered the wedding dress, pictures, decided on a tux supplier, & reserved the hall. While Vicky was back at college completing her last semester I, with some long distance help from Vicky, managed the rest. Vicky married Brett on May 5th at Selfridge Air National Guard Base. A beautiful ceremony and fun reception went off without a hitch, well sort of, but nothing that could not be fixed.
A week before that, the whole family and a few friends attended Victoria’s commencement at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids. Vicky received her BS in Psychology, with honors—clap-clap-hip-hip hurrah!
After Vicky & Brett’s wedding, Tom and I and Tom, our friend, helped Vicky & Brett take all their worldly belongings and Vicky’s car to Omaha, NE, where Brett is stationed at Offutt Air Force Base. Vicky and Brett now live in Bellevue, NE, in a beautiful, newly refurbished two-story house with attached garage. It is hard to believe it is government housing. Brett is completing his flight training, and Vicky is working for Boys Town, at their home campus. This children’s home & treatment center has come a long way since Father Flanagan began Boys Town 90 years ago. Did you know Boys Town is a real incorporated town, which, with its special residents, makes it the town with the highest per-capita concentration of convicted criminals in the US? Another fun fact that has no particular use.
On September 9th, Jerry and Irene were married in a beautiful ceremony at the Greek Orthodox Church, with a lovely reception following. Lots of Greek dances ensued, with a bevy of pretty little girls in pink dresses running all through the dancers. Irene is a welcome addition to the family! Never have we seen Jerry smile so much as on his wedding day. But of course, the bride was beautiful.
Samantha, our oldest granddaughter was flower girl for both weddings. She now considers herself a professional. Whew! It was a fun year, but busy. It tired out us two retired folks. Thankfully, Thanksgiving was a quiet one at Jerry and now Irene’s home. Just Tom, Sue, Lisa, Jerry and Irene for dinner, Joe, Heather, Sammy and Riley went to Heather’s brother’s home this year. We end this year wishing all, health wealth and happiness in the New Year. Joy to all!