Joe, Heather and Samantha went to a Gay wedding in Windsor. The crazy Canadians have apparently made same sex "marriage" legal. Personally, I am happy when anyone finds love, as it is hard to come by, and, I think that gay couples should be able to be joined legally, in order to insure shared benefits, financial interests, right of inheritance, and the ability to legally carry out each others wishes, file joint taxes, receive survivors pension benefits etcetera, but I do object to that joining being called marriage. Call it something else, partnership, co-mates, cohabitation contract, whatever, but just not marriage. Marriage by definition is between a man and a woman, period! If you start expanding the definition to include same-sex couples, why not two men and one woman, two women and one man, a man and a goat, a woman and a kitty cat. Why I heard that the other day a British tourist went to Australia and married her favorite dolphin. It was not legal, but it could be, why not?
Oh, and the picture is of Detroit taken from Windsor. Beautiful facade, ah?